
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Adjective Clause Examples

Adjective Clause Examples Adjective Clause Remember that some types of clauses are dependent, meaning that they cannot stand alone. They do not express a complete thought. Sometimes, these clauses are also called subordinate clauses. A dependent clause, or subordinate clause, can function in three ways in a sentence: as a noun, as an adjective, or as an adverb. An adjective clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adjective in the sentence. Adjective clauses can also be called relative clauses. An adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun or a relative adverb. Often the relative pronoun or relative adverb will function as thesubject of the clause. Here is a list of relative pronouns: who   whom   which   that   whose Here is a list of relative adverbs: when   why   where How to find an adjective clause: 1) A dependent clause in a sentence will always contain both a subject and a verb. Make sure that when you find something you think is a clause that it does have a subject and a verb. 2) An adjective clause will begin with a relative pronoun or a relative adverb. Does the clause that you found begin with one of those? 3) Finally, does the clause answer the same types of questions that an adjective answers? Does it tell you which one, what kind, or how many? Does it give you more information about a noun or pronoun that comes before it? If so, then you have found an adjective clause. Examples of Adjective Clause: Below are some examples of sentences containing adjective clauses, with explanations. 1) The lady who lives across the street is my aunt. The subject of the clause is "who" and the verb is "lives". This clause is giving us more information about the "lady"-which one? 2) The book that is on the chair belongs to Marvin. The subject of the clause is "that" and the verb is "is". This clause is giving us more information about the "book"-which one. Here are some additional examples of sentences with adjective clauses. 3) I do not like people who are mean to animals. (gives more information about people) 4) Did you go to the school where my friend Jim goes? (gives more information about school) 5) The moment when the clown burst in to surprise the teacher was great! (gives more information about the moment) 6) The reason why I left is a secret. (gives more information about reason) 7) Can you see the bird that is on the fence? (gives more information about bird) 8) The cat whom we are watching just caught a mouse! (gives more information about cat) 9) The boy whose shoes are on the floor is my little brother. (gives more information about boy) 10) I like pizza,which is also the favorite of my sister Jean. (gives more information about pizza)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Mmr Vaccine Did Cause Autism - 1415 Words

Although many people do not vaccinate for religious reasons, that does not mean they will be protected by their close communities and close relationships and religion. Many outbreaks are centraled in geographic areas and tight-knit communities that have many people that share the same values and beliefs. For example, in Texas, a megachurch voiced vaccination concerns and all believed that it was not safe to vaccinate (Silverman, 2013). They were convinced that the MMR vaccine did cause autism. There were many families that were part of the church that had a history of autism in their family, and did not want to chance it. So instead of asking for a different schedule of vaccines and not bundling the MMR, the families and others opted out of the MMR vaccine entirely (Silverman, 2013). A visitor came to the church, after being in Indonesia, and, unknowingly, was carrying measles. When people that had not been vaccinated were exposed, their bodies could not fight it off and a breakout o f measles overtook the church (Silverman, 2013). After that incident, the church began holding seminars and conferences that explained the importance of vaccines and why vaccines are safe, for their members. (Silverman, 2013) There are many â€Å"personal† reasons as to be exempt from vaccinating. From religious, to your own concerns or reasoning, and many people are now wanting more strict rules on exemptions of vaccines. There are now discussions concerning parents of unvaccinated children, andShow MoreRelatedAutism Spectrum Disorders784 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction Autism is the main form of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Autism is a developmental disorder that is manifested in problems with communication, impairment of social functioning, and repetitive behaviours. According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), ASD diagnoses must meet four different areas of criteria. There are three symptoms of deficits in social communication and interaction across contexts, four symptoms of restrictedRead MoreVaccines Do Not Blame Vaccines For Children?1271 Words   |  6 Pagesautistic it is blamed on vaccinations. Autism comes from genetics also, so why not blame vaccines for making people short too? If parents do not blame vaccines on their kids shortness, why blame vaccines for autism?. For years there has been controversy about vaccines causing autism in children. The vaccine scare originally started when there was a report in 1998 on how the MMR vaccine can cause autism, which was later dismis sed as false (Rao). The MMR vaccine is a vaccine that is used to protect againstRead MoreThe Mmr Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism873 Words   |  4 Pageschildren’s chance of getting autism. Studies have shown following the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine children become diagnosed with autism. Parents are risking bringing back diseases that before vaccinations killed and threatened the lives of many people. The MMR vaccine does not cause autism, because the doctor who published the first study about this theory has since lost his medical license, many more studies have proven the correlation is a myth, and Autism Speaks, an autism advocacy organizationRead MoreThe Anti Vaccine Movement And The Vaccine1620 Words   |  7 Pages The Anti-Vaccine Movement Although the MMR link to autism is one of the most recent anti-vaccine incidences, the anti-vaccine movement didn’t begin with the suggestion that MMR caused autism. Previous vaccine scare incidences arose prior to the 1998 study on MMR that fueled more anti-vaccine sentiments. Offit (2011) claims that the modern American anti-vaccine movement began when a documentary titled DPT: Vaccine Roulette, aired on April 19, 1982. The documentary questioned the safety and effectivenessRead MoreVaccination Of Children And Children1730 Words   |  7 Pagesdisease possible. Autism is a condition typified by abnormal qualitative development of social interactions, communication and imagination, with restricted and repetitive interests and activities (Edward Purssell RGN, RSCN, PhD of the University of London). What causes autism? Many parents like to say that the vaccination MMR has caused their child to have autism later in life. Purssell and other authors and doctors have done countless research to find out the truth about MMR and their being a linkRead MoreVaccinations For Common Illnesses And Disease Essay1660 Words   |  7 Pagesis not the case. The MMR vaccination came about when the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccines were all combined (Cave 54). After the release of this new vaccination, the number of kids being diagnosed with autism rose tremendously. Some people were very interested in this sudden spike of autistic children and decided to follow up on it. Many studies were done to see if there was any correlation between the MMR vaccination and the increasing diagnosis of children with autism. Some findings contradictRead MoreThe Effects Of Autism On Children With Early Signs Of Autism1517 Words   |  7 Pages For years there has been many speculations conveying that some vaccines, particularly Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) causes signs of autism. Many compelling concerns have been formulated from parents of children who received vaccines and associated noticeable changes in their children with early signs of autism. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the behaviour and cognition of children (Quinn, 2014). Autism impairs communication, interest and repetitive patterns of behaviourRead MoreSummary Of Vaccines And Autism By Bernard Rimland953 Words   |  4 PagesSummary of â€Å"Vaccines and Autism† In the journal of â€Å"Vaccines and Autism† author Bernard Rimland looks at the possible role of vaccines in autism. Rimland provides crucial data in understanding autism, the possible role of vaccines in autism, and the risks of vaccines in certain children. Rimland states before his article that, â€Å"There is no consensus about biological determents of autism† (708). This being said, in his journal he points out various reasons how vaccines could lead to autism. VaccinesRead MoreVaccines And Autism : Do Vaccines Cause Autism?1231 Words   |  5 PagesPseudoscience? I. Vaccines Autism Do Vaccines cause Autism? II. Abstract Do vaccines cause autism is a question that has been bouncing around for over twenty years. The increase in the number of diagnosed cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder has increased significantly and due to the impact this has in people’s lives several studies have been done in an effort to determine the cause. More specifically the MMR, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, vaccination has been accused of being the cause of autism. This accusationRead MoreVaccines And Its Effect On Health Care1163 Words   |  5 Pages The introduction of vaccines has been a great advancement in the world of medicine. This ground- breaking discovery has a tremendous effect on health care by putting an end to diseases that might otherwise be untreatable. Diseases such as typhoid, whooping cough, and polio which threaten many countries worldwide are now preventable after the discovery of the vaccine. Although the development of vaccines has led to the prevention of deadly illnesses, there has been may co ntroversy based on whether

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Bud Light s Current Advertising Strategy - 1623 Words

Bud Light’s Current Advertising Strategy Bud Light has always been known for its extensive marketing campaigns; however, these campaigns come with a large price tag. Anheuser-Busch spent nearly $250 million in 2013 to promote and advertise the Bud Light brand, more than $100 million more than Miller Light, who had the second highest advertising expenditures (Johnson 34). Bud Light’s most recent promotion has been targeted toward Millennials and has been dubbed â€Å"WhateverUSA.† Bud Light took over a small ski town in Colorado for a weekend, posting advertisements around the town and painting everything from light posts to pavement Bud Light’s signature light blue (Hughes). The weekend consisted of parties, concerts, and free beer for†¦show more content†¦Despite its exclusive rights, Anheuser-Busch consistently ranks as the top buyer of Super Bowl commercials; in 2014, Anheuser-Busch spent a reported $28 million to promote its Bud Light and Budweiser brands (Killoran). Finding a New Market Identifying a new market can be a challenging task. However, when examining the preferred alcoholic beverage of three major age groups, one in particular stands out. Of the three age groups, fifty and older consumers are the age group with the smallest preference for beer. Figure 2 on the following page compares the alcoholic beverage preference for three major age groups. Figure 2: Alcoholic Beverage Preference by Age Source: Jones. As Figure 2 shows, both groups under the age of fifty are similar, possessing a strong preference for beer followed by wine and liquor. However, fifty and older consumers’ preferences show an increased interest in wine and a decrease in both beer and liquor. This shift suggests that many beer drinkers move away from beer as they age and gravitate toward wine. There is significant market potential if Bud Light can lure these fifty and older drinkers back to beer and away from wine. Fifty and Older Consumers as a Target Market Fifty and older consumers represent the market with the largest potential for growth. Currently comprising close to 100 million people in the United States, their population is expected to grow

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cancer Research, Section 1 ( Basics Of Cancer ) - 1546 Words

Cancer Research, Section 1 (Basics of Cancer) What is cancer? Cancer is a disease where cells split uncontrollably and can invade other tissues, causing cells in the other tissues to have cancer. Where can cancer occur? Cancer can occur practically anywhere in the body. This is because cancerous cells can move anywhere in the amatomy through blood paths and lymph systems (lymph systems are lattice of organs, lymph intersections (nodes), tubes, and vessels that move lymph, a clear fluid containing white blood cells, from place to place. (- http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/what-is-cancer ) What is a tumor? What do benign and malignant mean? A tumor†¦show more content†¦This is the stage that is the easiest to cure. Stage 1 cancer is cancer that hasn’t grown too far into the tissues surrounding it and is also called early-stage cancer. Stages 2 and 3 cancers are cancers that are larger or have grown further into the neighboring tissues and have moved to the lymph nodes, but not to other body areas. Stage 4 cancer is cancer that has moved to organs and other body parts. This cancer is also called advanced or metastatic cancer. Cancer Type Specifics I am doing my project on retinoblastoma. I chose retinoblastoma because I thought not many people would pick it; it is a very rare type of cancer. Retinoblastoma is a fast developing cancer that develops from immature cells in the eye called the retina. It is the most common cancerous tumor of the eye in children. Retinoblastoma occurs mostly in children under five. Although it is very rare, Retinoblastoma can develop when a child is just past the age of six. Retinoblastoma occurs in the eye, developing from the light- sensing tissues of the retina. Worsening of vision, a red and irritated eye, and faltering growth (delayed development) are symptoms of Retinoblastoma. Some children with retinoblastoma can become cross-eyed, which means that their eyes are going in two different directions. There are many treatments of Retinoblastoma. One of the treatments is

The Effects Of Media On Fear Of Crime - 1488 Words

REVIEW OF LITERATURE Overrepresentation of Crime and the Media Numerous studies have been done investigating fear of crime and causal links (Dorfman and Schiraldi 2001; Gerbner and Gross 1976; Hale 1996). However, few empirical studies have been done that examine the effects media has on fear of crime (Chermack 1994). Media is defined as a manner in which we can access information and news through technology (Gillium 2000). This might be on television, radio, newspapers and magazines, and other online sources. Studies have found that media is dominated by violent and unusual crime, giving the impression that there is an abundance of violent crime and the public should be very worried (Belden 1999). This overrepresentation of crime may give the impression that crime is running rampant when in fact the incident of violent crime is decreasing (Belden 1999). According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, crime was at its lowest point in 1998 (Belden 1999). However, 62% of poll respondents felt that juvenile crime was on the rise (Belden 1999). This paradox may be explained by the dramatic increase of crime reporting among popular media outlets. From 1992 to 1993 crime coverage doubled from a base of 830 stories to 1698 stories in that year that were covered by national news television stations (Dorfman Schiraldi 2001). This rate increased until 2000 when crime reached the most reported topic with 14,298 crime stories in that year according to Center for MediaShow MoreRelatedRealtionship Between the Media, Public Perceptions of Crime and Police1553 Words   |  7 PagesDoes the media and the amount of exposure to specific news media affect fear of crime? This question is examined in a survey with data collected from three universities in the United States and one in Canada;  The Impact of Media on Fear of Crime among University Students: A Cross-National Comparison, goes over the results. It’s believed that fear in itself can be debilitating leading to harmful social outcomes. Vincent Sacco believes th ere are three dimensions to fear of crime: cognitive, emotionalRead MoreCrime And Fear Of Crime1699 Words   |  7 PagesWhen it comes to issues of crime and criminals, there are numerous potential influences that can shape an individual’s perceptions. Additionally, a major factor of perceptions of crime is the underlying emotional reactions to crime and criminal issues. These emotions about crime are vary from person to person but fear of crime tends to be regarded as the most influential response, as represented by the vast research conducted on the topic of fear of crime and its effects. In this paper, three articlesRead MoreThe Crime Is An Act Essay1394 Words   |  6 Pagesbehaviour and the concept of crime itself, wither it is known through personal experience or daily conversations or more accurately through the media e.g. from films, newspapers and books etc. Media production goes through a process of mediation in which professional producers select and reject which stories are news worthy or not. Crime is very newsworthiness as it gets people talking, although the word crime itself can be hard to be defined as some people interpret crime in different ways which meansRead MoreDisplacement And Diffusion, Mass Media And Crime Prevention1222 Words   |  5 Pages3: Displacement and Diffusion, Mass Media and Crime Prevention, General Deterrence Sem Crime Prevention/Control LaBrittani Poole-James October 6, 2017 Grambling State University Assignment 3: Displacement and Diffusion, Mass Media and Crime Prevention, General Deterrence 1. Evaluate the types of Crime Displacement Crime Displacement entails the relocation of a crime an aspect that can result from the actions of Police in their crime prevention efforts. Crime displacement results from various reasonsRead MoreImportance Of Criminology In Modern Society764 Words   |  4 Pages Criminology is The study of crime, of attempts to control it, and attitudes to it. Crime is interpreted in its widest sense, so as to include minor as well as major law-breaking... according to Walsh and poole 1983.However in reality, criminology has advanced and evolved over the past few decades that there is no specific description or definition of the term and its role in modern society; as it’s a key part in all aspects and its impact on society cant be listed as it’s a never-ending listRead MoreThe Roles and Influences of Media on Crime730 Words   |  3 Pagesthe political world, media has both a positive and negative affect. Americans as a whole are engrossed with crime whether it be a fictional representation on a person’s favorite television show, or a true story the nightly news. The entertainment media influences our lives in consciously and subconsciously, day in and day out, playing a critical and constantly cultivating role in the criminal justic e system and the conduct of politics. How exactly does one determine what media is? According to yourRead MoreMass Media Is Obsessed With Crime Essay1575 Words   |  7 PagesMass media is infatuated with crime. As a society, we have a great deal of fascination when it comes to crime and deviance. It is hard to turn on the television, watch a movie or open a newspaper or book and not be faced with the central and dominant theme that is crime. In recent years the lines between crime entertainment and crime information have been significantly blurred. The mass media often influences how people see crime, with the bombardment of criminal images and violence, it serves toRead MorePolice Enforcement Agencies Work Under Extreme Pressure And Stress From The Media1578 Words   |  7 PagesWith all the negative media attention police departments and law enforcement agencies are receiving, it is not surprising factor that the police would be less inclined to work with the community to fight crime. It seems as if the citizens are against the police and that is only going to cause more issues and problems. Police have to live in constant fear that they are being criticized and their every move is being analyzed for wrong-doing. They have to second-guess every movement and action theyRead MoreTelevision Viewing And Protective Action Against Crime1639 Words   |  7 PagesNabi, R. L, Sullivan, J. L. (2001, December). Does Television Viewing Relate to Engagement in Protective Action Against Crime?: A Cultivation Analysis From a Theory of Reasoned Action Perspective. Communication Research, (28), 802nd ser. Doi:10.1177/009365001028006004 2. This Study is for my Dependent Variables 3. Statement of Study s Purpose and Brief Overview of Literature Review Nabi and Sullivan used the cultivation theory as the base of their study. (2001)Within the study, they also usedRead MoreThe Culture of Fear and Its Effects on Society Essay1055 Words   |  5 PagesThe Culture of Fear and its Effects on Society Min Kim Fear and the marketing of paranoia and uncertainty have become daily staples in today’s culture. Every day there arise new threats to national security manufactured by politicians and fuelled by the public’s demand to be protected from these imaginary bogeymen. With the vast increases in technology our society has experienced in the past forty years the news media have become an especially effective orator of impending doom, the daily exposà ©s

Organisational Change Management for B.R Richardson Timber

Question: Discuss about theOrganisational Change Management for B.R Richardson Timber. Answer: Introduction B.R Richardson Timber product company faced some limitations in its structural, human resource and processes aspects of its operation. All of this is summarized in the organizational culture that does not reflect the best practices. The company had B.R Richardson at the helm with his right man and several senior staffs including Joe and Richard Bowman running the operations. However, a significant fraction of other workers lacks the qualification and requisite skills and experience to deliver standard performance. This lack of will to employ the right people for the job adversely affected the companys performance through non-strategic decisions and actions taken by these workers. Moreover, B.R Richardson Company suffers much cost of extensively training unqualified workers to elevate them to a level of anticipated outcome performance. Literature Review An investment into the human resource is important in every business organization. The company should invest reasonable resources in its human resource to realize its targets and goals. To achieve this, B.R Richardson has to advertise for positions also outside the organization for specialized skills. The company previously sourced for personnel inside the firm for promotion an aspect that was making it miss on qualified candidates outside the organization. Hiring from outside the organization guarantees the company new ideas, knowledge and strength which is healthy considering the competitive market environment. Therefore, implementing change in the human resource of this organization is likely to boost its wellbeing (Senior Swailes, 2010). Another tragedy in the company is lack of employees specialization. The workers are forced to undertake every assignment on their site without the touch of professionalism. This issue denies the company the optimum performance it would have gotten from a specialized employee and further, complicates the matter of accountability. The company gets to the point of not knowing where and who to be held liable since everyone does everything. Also, the productivity of the workers cannot be measured and evaluated for lack of clear responsibilities which complicate decision making regarding promotions or poor performance from workers. Organizational Issues and their solution Communication style and culture Good practice communication in an organization advocates for boarder-less interactions with an atmosphere of trust, friendship, and openness. B.R Richardson was an organization with employees of different ranks and status. This informs the reason to establish a transparent, robust and credible communication culture. The norm of proper and best practice in communication needs to cascade from the top management to the operational level workers. The founder R.B Richardson does not set adequate platform and practice of communication. He is noted to have visited the lamination company a countable number of times obviously ruling out sufficient interaction with his workers. Consequently, the organization's management misses an opportunity to capture the realistic feedback on performance and welfare of employees (Barge, Lee, Maddux, Nabring Townsend, 2008). Further, the timber plant lacks proper channels and practice of communication both vertically and horizontally across departments. Example, Joe the manager of Lamination plant is feared by some of the workers for his aggressive personality. Although he is respected and admired, some workers in the organization are not able to face him and sustain a conversation. The management should devise training on communication to the whole team which will emphasize of teamwork and craving avenues for the players to have sufficient quality time with each other. An improved communication system is critical in promoting the free flow of information in the company (Kotter, 2008). It helps eliminate issues that are related to misunderstandings and poor communication system. Thus, an improved communication system is likely to increase the productivity of workers at B.R Richardson. Leadership style Joe's ideology of leadership also does little to support dialogue in operations. He believes in giving instructions and having his team tore his line of doing things. The manager of the plant does not believe in teamwork but individuals performance and achievement. Example, in the course of his duty, Joe often skips some heads of department to make decisions solely. This, according to some people, amounts to undermining other people's positions. He needs to be consultative and seek the input of relevant stakeholders in decision making. Best practice in communication dictates consultative decision making involving all the relevant stakeholders because their input is likely to add value in the outcome decision (DeHart-Davis, 2009). Workers compensation process The management of B.R Richardson is not adequately compensating its workers. The principle for compensation advocates for pay equal to labor and skills of the worker. The company was grappling with the issue of overtime payment yet it wanted its employees to work for extra workers until completion of day's schedule. This point demotivated many workers who felt not adequately compensated for their labor (Rath Conchie, 2008). Also, the issue of working for long hours often brought nervousness and tension which ended up causing accidents and worse-case, when the company registered a death of an employee. The organization can solve this problem by instituting reasonable length of working hours and adequate compensation, which is competitive in the industry, for the extra hours worked. There is a need for B.R Richardson to review its working and compensation terms. The employees should work within the standard working hours to avoid issues of overworking the employees which reduce their motivation. Besides, it is essential for B.R Richardson to solve the prevailing current problems regarding the overtime payment. A better remuneration system is vital in improving the productivity of the company labour. Initiating this change will boost the morale of the workers and increase their productivity because of pay satisfaction and availability of sufficient time to rest before resuming work (Buckingham, 2009). Workers Safety The organization, besides having meager resources has not invested in the safety of its employees. This matter is equal to de-motivating the workers. An incident occurred which made one of the employees succumb to injury due to an accident. Worse-still, the workers continued their day's schedule with the huge loss of their human resource. The workers of the plant were demotivated hence affecting their productivity. This called for some immediate intervention by the leadership of the company to procure services of a motivational consultant who will aid the situation bringing back employees to efficiencies (Heifetz, Grashow Linsky, 2009). Safety of the employees is paramount to their motivation and productivity. This has an eventual impact on the performance of the company. The manager of the plant has to re-align the operations of the organization to ensure that safety measures and standards are observed. Further, the safety protective wears and equipment to be provided to the workers to protect them from injuries, cuts and any other harm to their bodies in the course of their duties (Anderson, 2013). Failure to consider the safety of the employees will lead to a dangerous working environment, and the worker's safety and health conditions are compromised. This reduces their motivation and morale to work for the company (Little, 2014). How waste and other hazardous materials are disposed of also pose a threat to the safety of the workers. The company is noted to have sites with massive waste disposal until there are not enough pathways. Further, the arrangement of the stock is not safe for operations. Workers alleged that the stacks were unstable and threatened to collapse sometimes. The employees of the lamination plant were demotivated hence affecting their productivity (Skelsey, 2013). This called for an immediate intervention by the leadership of the company to procure services of a motivational speaker who will aid the situation bringing back employees to efficiencies (Mitchell, 2012). Recruitment and Retention R.B Richardson Company was experiencing difficulty in retention of employees because of poor conditions workers were subjected to. This has been discussed as long working hours, unsafe working environment without protective equipment and wears, lack of trust and friendliness and inadequate compensation. The company even losses further if it is not able to retain its workers through costs associated with training and worker development (Heath, 2010). Loosing of already trained employees subjects the firm to a repeat of the instruction to newly recruited employees thereby consuming company resources. Social life R.B Richard firm made it extremely difficult for the workers to fully exploit their social life. Firstly, the top management did not display support for the company's team through denying them sufficient funds to support their activity. Also, the company working hours and shifts were too tight to offer an opportunity to its workers to attend their soccer events a move that was not taken politely (Bennett Bush, 2013). Recommendations and Actions The leadership of the lamination company should cultivate the culture of borderless, free friendly and open communication throughout the firm. Breaking the communication barriers between the senior staff and the junior employees is critical and promotes a comfortable working environment which turn increases the employee productivity. Besides, the system will eliminate issues from the communication discordance that may exist in the system. Promotion of culture to implement a better communication system is one of the most influential tools for the effective adoption of the better system. The management of the company should invest more in the safety of the workers to realize morale and productivity. Provision of a safe working condition for the employees is an important ethical issue that helps boost the confidence and comfortable working environment thus, in turn, increases the productivity of the employees in the company (Ford, 2009). The leadership of the company should review the compensation package and strategize on the recruitment process in bringing on board specialized professionals. An excellent remuneration package is critical in promoting happy employees. The workers are motivated and increase their morale towards working for the company. Poorly remunerated workers lack motivation, and thus their productivity is low (Herman Renz, 2008). The company should procure communication training course from service providers to elevate the communication of the team to a professional level. Training boosts the talent and skills of the employees in their job positions (Shiralkar, 2016). Besides, it promotes one's self-development which is important to make the workers feel recognized and thus, boost their motivation to work for the organization. Conclusion The lamination firm suffered many problems for lack of adopting sound practices in its managerial decisions and operations. This resulted to demotivated staff and reduced the productivity of its workers. The company was extremely operational-orientated to a level of assuming other fundamental issues impacting on the welfare of its workers including their safety, compensation and social lives. Value-additional proposals have been discussed to salvage the lamination firm from its woes that the top management needs to implement and cascade to the junior workers. Thus, make reformations that are employee centered is critical and will boost the motivation of people which is an important step towards increasing their productivity that has a direct impact on the profitability of the company. Thus, it gives an organization a competitive advantage over other players in the industry. References Anderson, J. (2013).The Lean Change Method, Managing the Agile Organizational Transformation Using Kanban, Kotter, and Lean Startup Thinking. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. Barge, J., Lee, M., Maddux, K., Nabring, R. Townsend, B. (2008). "Managing Dualities in the Planned Change Initiatives." Journal of the Applied Communication Research 36, No. 4 (2008): 364-390. Bennett, J. Bush, M. (2013).Coaching for the Change. Routledge. p.172. Buckingham, M. (2009). The One Thing You Need to Know about Great Managing, the Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success. New York: Free Press, 2009. DeHart-Davis, L. (2009). "Green Tape: A Theory of the Effective Organizational Rules," Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 19, No. 2: 361-384. Ford, J. (2009). The Four Conversations, Daily Communication that Gets the Results. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. Heath, C. (2010). Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. New York, New York: Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House. Heifetz, R., Grashow, A. Linsky, M. (2009). The Practice of the Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press, 2009. Herman, R Renz, D. (2008). Advancing Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness Research and the Theory: Nine Theses. Nonprofit Management Leadership, 18(4), 399-415. Kotter, J. (2008). A Sense of Urgency. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press, 2008. Little, J. (2014).Lean Change Management: Innovative Practices For Managing Organizational Change. Happy Melly Express. Mitchell, G. (2012). The Construct of Organizational Effectiveness: Perspectives from Leaders of International Nonprofits in the United States. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Rath, T., Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths-based Leadership: The Great Leaders, Teams and Why People Follow. New York, New York: Gallup Press. Senior, B., Swailes, S. (2010). Organizational Change (4th ed). New York: Financial Times, Prentice Hall. Shiralkar, S. (2016).IT Through Experiential Learning.ISBN978-1-4842-2420-5. Skelsey, D. (29 July 2013)."Why Do People In Business Resist Change?". Project Laneway.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Smart Cane For The Visually Impaired People

Question: Write an essay on "Smart Cane For The Visually Impaired People". Answer: Executive Summary The persons that are visually challenged face awesome trouble in autonomous portability and utilize the white stick as a versatility help to distinguish near to impediments on the ground. Nonetheless, the stick has two noteworthy impediments: It can just distinguish obstructions up to knee-level. Consequently, the client can't identify raised impediments like lifted bars and much of the time crashes into them. (Iovine, 2004) The stick can just distinguish obstructions inside 1m from the client. Additionally, obstructions like moving vehicles can't be distinguished until hazardously near the individual. Very nearly 90% of the visually impaired persons live in creating nations, with a larger part beneath destitution line. Current gadgets accessible universally are exorbitant. In this work we introduce the configuration and convenience components of a minimal effort knee-above snag identification framework and report results from controlled field tests. (Vision, 2020) Introduction Safe portability is between the best difficulties confronted by the outwardly tested in the life for day-to-day activities. They utilize the white stick as a portability help to distinguish near to obstructions on the ground. Nonetheless, the white stick has two noteworthy weaknesses: The stick can just identify obstructions up to knee-level. Thus, the client can't distinguish raised snags like jutting windows, platforms and versatile steps and regularly slams into them. The stick can just identify hindrances less than that of 1m, providing them small time to take any preventive activities. Moreover, hindrances like vehicles can't be distinguished until perilously near the individual. To improve the issue, specialists have created ETA (Electronic Travel Aids) to improve obstruction identification. Nonetheless, they have confinements that have limited their broad acknowledgment amongst the outwardly hindered. The K-Sonar provides the yield in the type of sound-related prompts which veil other essential ecological sounds e.g. moving vehicles sounds on street and of kindred walkers. (Manocha 2007) Review of the literature Scaled down Guide is the vibration criticism based hindrance identification framework however can't be appended to the white stick, bringing about control of both the hands. Laser Cane, aside from being restrictively costly likewise needs reliable development of the client to appreciate the little cone of obstruction identification. The Can of Ultra transmits for vibration criticism through two catches, constraining the client to change their hold. Current day frameworks accessible globally cost that is more than that of 450 USD. WHO gauges will demonstrate that there will be 45 million blind individuals in the realm of 90% live in creating nations where few gadgets are excessively expensive. India provided 13 million outwardly tested persons (biggest for any nation on the planet), with a larger part with no entrance to a reasonable and powerful portability help. (Bay, 2006) Moreover, research and client experience with respect to ETAs reported the writing highlights the trouble in showing their adequacy in improving safe versatility. The confusion emerges in planning sensible, down to earth and target tests that Catch the multifaceted nature of route in the unstructured genuine word, Consolidate criticism for a delegate use gathering and Give a quantitative measure for development in portability. (Group. 2010) Objective of the project Utilization of ultrasound directional based going to improve the flat and vertical scope of the stick. Framework intended for usability at a reasonable expense. To survey decrease in crash danger and change in individual security with unit, trails controlled with 28 clients was performed To build up moderate knee-above snag identification and cautioning framework for the outwardly impeded utilizing ultrasound based extending to improve the event and vertical scope of the stick. To direct the trail controlled with 28 outwardly tested clients on the 4 randomized snag courses that are quantitatively evaluating the change in individual wellbeing with Smart Cane utilizing the accompanying measurements: snag mindfulness (discernment), snag crash rate and separation of hindrance identification (Cane, 2006) Research Question Below are some of the questions that are needed in this case: How to do develop the obstacle detection for knee-above? What are the metrics that are needed for employing the Smart Cane? Below are the various sub-sections that are there in the controlled trails? What are the results based on various observations? Methods and Materials Description of System: We built up a novel route help called the Smart Cane that recognizes perilous raised deterrents and expansions location reach to 3m, subsequently enhancing wellbeing for the blind client. Beginning configuration and usage points of interest were displayed in. Next, we abridge key outline and convenience components of the gadget. Smart Cane utilizes directional ultrasounds that are based extending to identify snags in the front or above the knee-stature inside a scope of 3m. Separation data is passed on through examples of the vibration that shift gradually with changing snag separation; subsequently Smart Cane can likewise be utilized by hard of hearing visually impaired people. (Welsh, 2010) The gadget works in two client selectable modes: (i) Mode for Short Range (1m): Helpful at the time of exploring inside the room and (ii) Mode for Long Range (which is 3m): Used outside e.g. streets, parks and so on. Discovery and cautioning of quick drawing nearer impediments, similar to vehicles, inside 3m permitting time for a reflex activity as opposed to being hit without warned. (Chatterjee 2007) The framework is fueled by rechargeable battery Li-particle that will get charged like the cell telephone. This wipes out the weakness of opening the pack of battery to supplant batteries and reliance on others for secure batteries from the store. Once completely charged, batteries will last no less than 4 days for use of gadget after which energize is demonstrated through the beep design. The framework is planned as a separable unit that the client will mount on her/his stick of white. It supplements and improves the usefulness of the customary stick. The gadget is client separable, with light-weight and has Braille markings. With ergonomic configuration permits the client for holding the Cane of Smart with an assortment of customized grasps. A significant outline goal was expense. The gadget utilizes inventive utilization of minimal effort and mass delivered electronic parts made in a tough yet economical material of plastic. The anticipated expense of the gadget is under making of 35 USD it moderate for clients in creating nations. (Ariffin, 2009) Design of System: The light weight, separable unit containing an ultrasonic officer and the vibrator was created which offers the scope expanded for 3m and distinguishes impediments above the knee-level. Separation data is passed on to the client through vibratory examples that fluctuate incrementally by changing impediment separation. The anticipated expense of the gadget is under the making for 35 USD it reasonable for clients in creating nations. The underlying model and plan was talked about in a before distribution. (Herman 2009) Experiments of the field Seven obstructions were noticeable with the conventional stick (e.g. vases, seats, step, boxes for card-board) and the remaining are the obstructions for knee-above (e.g., railing, level bars, edge of table, slanted stepping stool, lifted bar) that are hard to recognize utilizing the conventional stick. Four distinctive courses were made by randomizing snag positions. This kills the impact of spatial guide learning by the customers that amid the trial. The snag course region was frequently tiled. This permitted (a) determination of deterrent recognition separation and (b) precise situating of snags amid numerous keeps running for various clients. (Faizah 2010) Field research: In trails that are controlled, 28 clients experienced preparing in gadget utilization and after that arranged 4 courses of snag (randomized: two utilizing the gadget and two with the white stick. The taking after measurements was examined: Awareness of Obstacle, Rate of collision and Separation at which every snag is recognized. (Erratul, 2010) Keen Cane use expanded hindrance mindfulness by 57%, diminished impediment impact rate with 91% and expanded the mean separation of identification by fold of 2.6 and thus enhanced safe versatility for the visually impaired clients. Two clients utilizing the gadget for three of the months that reported effective location of bars raised, railings, raised trucks and nearness of a door, individuals, trees and so forth. (Nurulnadwan, 2010) Enrolment of User: Twenty eight outwardly tested stick clients were selected in trials from schools of 5 blind and relationship in New Delhi. All of the volunteers assented to take part in trials. Below figure 4 shows the piece of clients as per years number and age for stick utilization. If it's not too much trouble note that a perfect trial requires stratified irregular testing with equivalent number of clients inside every age and sexual orientation bunch. Be that as it may, this was unrealistic because of handy issues. (Bouvrie 2007) Usage of Smart Cane training: Volunteers are prepared in the Smart Cane utilization for three back to back days (two of the hours for each day). The main day presented the Cane of Smart and focused on comprehension the taking after: Form: structure, shape, area of catches, sensor and so on Operations: Exchanging the gadget on, acclimation with changing vibratory examples Additional Highlights: Mode determination and conformity of sensor introduction Usability: Walking obstructions towards such as dividers, seats, and individuals in the quick environment. The preparation sessions were directed on back to back days to guarantee maintenance and exact learning. (Rodriguez 2008) The second day started with an amendment of the examples vibratory and their relationship with deterrent separation. The session continued in the way for learn-and-test. Six protests (a least of the three deterrents of knee-above) were recognized and the client was asked for to walk as per the deterrent till they enlisted an adjustment in the apparent vibratory design. This was fortified by More than once strolling towards and afterward leaving from the deterrent and The exercise of practice in which coach situated herself/himself at an irregular separation before the client and the client was requested that construe the separation from the vibratory examples. (Ulrich 2001) Phase of Trial: The test stage included clients arranging two deterrent courses with the posses particular white stick and with Smart Cane with two others. At first, the clients were situated at a beginning area and were requested that stroll forward, experiencing deterrents, till they achieved a divider toward the course end. The zone of experimentation had normal tiles which permitted for determination of separation of snag location. The client's development was recorded and investigated later to produce a perception table. The preparation finished up with an association session where the clients shared their perspectives on the merits, utility, and negative marks, simplicity of the learning and thus further changes for the gadget. (Fathauher 2009) Indicator for Key Performance: For looking at the Smart stick execution over the pattern execution with the conventional stick the accompanying execution pointers were contemplated: Awareness of Obstacle: Proportion of an impediment on the test course recognized by the visually impaired client. The higher number shows expanded mindfulness (observation) of nature while exploring. Rate of Collision: Proportion of impediment impacts per number of obstructions experienced. A lower crash rate shows expanded security for the client. Distance of impediment location: Detection of a dominant part of the hindrances at bigger separations demonstrates more noteworthy security for the visually impaired client by giving time to make restorative move without physical contact coming in. (Walker 2009) Outcome Awareness about Obstacle raises: The Cane Smart expands impediment mindfulness by 57.2 4.1% subsequently giving a more extensive impression of nature while exploring. If it's not too much trouble take note of that all reported numerical results are arrived at the midpoint of for 28 clients. The p-values were under 0.0001 for all theories inferring more prominent than 99.99% certainty. Since the similar clients tried the conventional stick and the savvy stick, pair astute t-test were utilized for figuring p-values. Rate of collision reduction: The Smart Cane decreased the impact rate to as it were 3.4 0.9% (considering all hindrances), an exceptional decrease of the 91.6 3.7%. For the knee-above hindrances the impact rate decreased by the 91.8 5.3% to the 5.2 1.4% in this way bringing down the damage chance essentially and enhancing the wellbeing. As examined in the segment enumerating client preparing, taking in the location of raised obstructions with the Brilliant Cane, described by saw vibrations without contact the physical with the stick, was especially trying for the clients and required unique accentuation amid preparing. (Song 2010) Distance of Obstacle Detection: In general, 72% of all hindrances and then 84% of all the deterrents of knee-above are distinguished inside a short proximity of 0.5m from the client. The Smart stick essentially expanded the normal of impediment recognition separations to 1.41 0.25 m. The frequency of crashes with raised deterrents declined altogether from the range of 63% to 5.2%. The huge dominant parts of obstructions (81%) were recognized at a sheltered separation of more than that of 1m. Thus, the client gets to be mindful of an obstruction much before slamming into it and gets enough time to maintain a strategic distance from it. (Hahn, 2009) Usage of Smart Cane with few observations: The time span for course culmination for Smart Cane was longer contrasted with the customary stick. Spectators saw that on some events, clients felt extremely astonished to identify a snag through the vibrations without the contact of physical with the stick. Henceforth, they took more time to disguise the new tangible channel through the vibrations. In the little number of the cases, clients did not enroll an adjustment in the designs of vibration and impacted with the impediment. Along these lines, the clients gave careful consideration to the evolving vibratory examples and could effectively arrange deterrents. As per analysis, advanced clients turned out to be more certain and as often as possible indicated the gadget the left on the other hand right to acquire deterrent separation. (Brown, 2002) Feedback of user post-experiment: In the wake of finishing trials, clients were met about the general utility and ease of use of the gadget. Each of the 28 clients trusted that the gadget is helpful for everyday living. The Smart Cane seen 57.14% as simple to study with the rest stating that it is none voting and very moderate in favor of hard to get learn. They said 82% of the present extra weight of a module was simply right. (Donald, 2010) Special cases of user (detection of gate and navigation of indoor): A typical portability undertaking for the outwardly tested is recognition of the door. This is fulfilled by utilizing the stick to sideways tap against the divider while moving nearby till the crevice is distinguished. This methodology is trying as the client should get extremely near the divider while moving subsequently expanding his odds of slamming into projections such as window sheets that are open. The gadget permits the client to identify the nearness of the divider by directing it to sideways. The example of vibratory shows the divider separation. Once the entryway is experienced, the change of sudden in example of vibration is felt. Note that the nearness of the letter box near divider, in the nonappearance of the stick, the client is compelled to walk near the divider and in the long run crashes into an obstruction like the letter box remaining by the divider. (Hamelain, 2005). Conclusion In the above described work, we introduced the knee-above novel obstruction recognition and cautioning framework for the outwardly disabled to upgrade individual portability for the outwardly hindered. The quantitative controlled that is formal having trials with the 28 clients on 4 testing hindrance courses having ordinarily experienced obstructions illustrate (a) the 57.2 4.1% expansion in deterrent mindfulness, (b) the 91.6 4.1% lessening in crash danger and (c) the fold that is 2.61 increment in the normal of impediment location separations with the Cane of Smart over the customary stick. (Ross 2009) A creative mechanical and electrical outline empowered us for keeping the anticipated expense of the gadget under the 35 USD. The framework lessens reliance on located help, enhances autonomous versatility and makes ready for moderate electronic travel helps for the outwardly tested especially in creating nations. We have concocted a moderate deterrent identification framework to enhance autonomous portability for the outwardly tested. Client criticism has been sure from field analyzes and recommends relevance, all things considered, situations. (Koren, 2010). References Vision, 2020, The Right to Sight. 2010. Blindness and Visual Impairment: Global Facts. Paul R., Garg A., Singh V., Mehra D., Balakrishnan M., Paul K., Manocha D. 2007, Smart Cane for the Visually Impaired: Technological Solutions for Detecting Knee- above Obstacles and Accessing Public Buses, Proc. of 11th International conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons. Bay Advanced Technologies Website, 2006, The BAT K-Sonar. Sendero Group. 2010. Mini-guide. Informational Article on Laser Canes, 2006, The Ultra Cane, 2006, Blasch, B.B., Wiener, W.R. Welsh, R.L, 2010, Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, (2nd, pp. 238-247). New York: AFB Press. Balakrishnan M., Paul K., Garg A., Paul R., Mehra D., Singh V., Rao P., Chatterjee D. 2007, Cane Mounted Knee-above Obstacle Detection and Warning System for the Visually Impaired, International Design Engineering Technical Conferences Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.